Wednesday 2 May 2018

A Thought for the day from Pope Benedict XVI

Seeing God’s Love

God has made himself visible; in Jesus we are able to see the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Indeed, god is visible in a number of ways. In the love story recounted by the Bible, he comes to us, he seeks to win our hearts, all the way to the Last Supper, to the piercing of his heart on the Cross, to his appearances after the Resurrection, and to the greta deeds by which, through the activity of the Apostles, he guided the nascent Church along its path. Nor has the Lord been absent from subsequent Church history; he encounters us ever anew in the men and women who reflect his presence, in his word, in the sacraments, and especially in the Eucharist. In the Church’s Liturgy, in her prayer, in the living community of believers, we experience the love of God, we perceive his presence, and we thus learn to recognise that presence in out daily lives. He has loved us first and he continues to do so; we too, then, can respond with love. God does not demand of us a feeling which we ourselves are incapable of producing. He loves us, he make us see and experience his love, since he has ‘first loved us’ (1 Jn 4:19), love can also blossom as a response within us.

Deus Caritas Est 17

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